Google Willow: Quantity chip for 10 quadrillion years in 5 minutes

Image: Google

Google has found a new quant chip “Willow” with 105 higher qubits. The new chip is used when the quantitative computer technology is carried out, but there are still new beets, which solve their annual problems in these problems.

Willow has the same Quantenfehlerkorrektur

The first new experience is that Willow can achieve an exponential reduction and gleichzeiting with more Qubits in any case. The loss of a central revaluation in the quantitative data transfer, while the field quickly lasts 30 years, while the calculation is carried out on the quantitative computer, becomes the korrigiert müssen. It is no longer possible to turn off some computer computers. First the Quantenfehler-korrektur started to gain power by making practical, leistungsfähigen Quantencomputers possible.

A problem with the correction, at Willow, 17, 49 or 97 physical Qubits were placed on an insightful, logical Qubit, so it is a fact that a Qubit does not contain a single Qubit. There are more Qubits for the quantitative data processing needed to increase power – most commonly with Willow, which provides a more logical answer to the Quants Computer.

1025 Jahre auf 5 Minuten kürzt

The Zweite Neuerung is located in the Zeier Leistungsfähigkeit. Denn Willow has carried out a standard benchmark assessment over time, which with a fast supercomputer of the world, the limit of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the US, 10 Quadrillions – also 1025 – Jahre dauern würde – a Zahl, who brings about the change of the university as a good item. Zum Testzeitpunkt war Frontier of the world’s fastest supercomputer, the first mid-November of El Capitan was hit by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

It all looks like a stable Quantencomputer

See the Gründung of Google Quantum AI in the year 2012 as part of Google Research by the team, a practical useful Quantencomputer zu build, der die Quantenmechanik – the “Betriebssystem” of nature, so it can be used, a scientific Entdeckungen zu fördern and Berechnungen etwa in Bereich der Medizin erheblich zu beschleunigen, was completely new Heilmittel möglich machen könnte.

Willow was built for diet Zweck in Google’s new, high-modern Fertigungssanlage in Santa Barbara – a few new environments that were especially built for diet Zweck. The ankündigung of Willow took a year for the display of Sycamore-Chips from Google.

If you want to use the material in a special way, you will find more details in a Google blog post.

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